If you check your medicine cabinet, there's a great chance that you'll find a jar of Vicks VapoRub inside. However, when you've recovered from a cold, don't put it back just yet. Check out these incredible uses of Vicks and take full advantage of your ointment!
1. Naughty Cats

Let's admit it: your cat will never stop "loving" your furniture even if you get them a fancy scratching post. Try dabbing some VapoRub on the areas that they tend to get their sharp claws on. In this way, they may keep away from the scent and leave your pricey furniture alone.
2. Headaches

Headaches can put you out of action for hours and even days. Fortunately, Vicks VapoRub contains menthol that has been proven effective in relieving the pain. You can try rubbing the ointment on your temples and forehead to reduce the suffering.
3. Bruises

VapoRub can be very helpful for those who don't regard bruises as badges of toughness. It can help your bruises fade by drawing away the blood. And the menthol in the ointment can create a cooling sensation to lessen your pain.
4. Joint Pain

For those who suffer from joint pains, it's a great idea to make VapoRub a staple. Massaging your inflamed areas with the ointment can help soothe your pain. However, you should ask for professional advice if the pain is too frequent and severe.
5. Foot Care

Don't want to be embarrassed by your cracked heels during sandal seasons? You can simply try massaging your feet with some VapoRub to moisturize the skin and hence avoid the cracks.
6. Insect Repellant

Surprisingly, bugs aren't big fans of VapoRub because they dislike the smell of eucalyptus contained in the ointment. Next time when you're outdoors camping, dab some Vicks to keep the insects away.
7. Sore Muscles

The soreness you feel after hitting the gym can be a real hassle. You can try rubbing some Vicks on your sore muscles, and the cooling sensation can help alleviate the pain.
8. Acne

Why bother buying expensive acne creams when there's Vicks laying in your drawer? Packed with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agents, the ointment can help reduce the blemishes on your face. Apply some on the breakout area before bed so you'll wake up with better skin.
9. Athlete's Foot

If you're bugged by athlete's foot but don't want to be caught dead getting antifungal cream, try putting on VapoRub. It can help get rid of the fungal infection and hence reduce your symptoms. Apply some to the affected areas before bed, and soon you'll be fungus-free and pedicure-ready.
10. Itchiness

Next time when you feel an itch, try applying some Vicks on the affected area. It helps ease the inflammation, hence lessening your discomfort.
11. Earaches

Since the ointment is rich in anti-inflammatory properties, you can try placing a Vicks-covered cotton ball in your ear for several hours a day to reduce the pain. It doesn't get in the way of your daily routines. Plus, you may even look more stylish with these sleek "earplugs!"
12. Cuts

After you get scraped or cut accidentally, the discomfort of reopening an old wound can be worse than the pain caused by the initial injury. In this case, you can try applying some VapoRub whose antiseptic ingredients can help speed up the healing process.
13. Dry Patches

During autumn and winter days, it's pretty common to have dry skin. But worry no more. The petroleum jelly locks in Vicks have the effect of moisturizing your skin. Just rub some ointment into the affected areas, and soon you'll say goodbye to your dry patches. However, be extra careful not to get any Vicks in your eyes and nostril for fear of irritation.
14. Cooking Burns

If you accidentally burn yourself while cooking, try putting on some Vicks after running cold water on the injured area. The ointment can help soothe the sting.
15. Squeaky Doors

You may not believe this, but VapoRub can also work as a lubricant for your squeaky doors. You can just rub some on the hinges to reduce the annoying sound.
16. Splinters

Removing a splinter can be quite painful. Next time before you do it, you can apply some Vicks on the affected area. The cooling sensation will help alleviate the pain.
17. Lip Balm

Chapped lips are pretty common during dry seasons. If you want to fix them but somehow run out of lip balm, apply some Vicks instead. The ointment can moisturize and soften your lips.
18. Dog Training
Have you noticed that your dog keeps peeing in the same spot? It's because they've got used to the smell in that area. If you want to keep your yard clean, try putting some VapoRub on your dog's favorite spot to cover the scent.
19. Horse Racing

Good news to racehorse owners out there: Vicks does an excellent job keeping your male horses focused. A bit of the ointment on their nostrils can help prevent them from following female horses' scent. In this way, you don't need to worry about them getting distracted during mating seasons!
20. Fake Tears

Actors or not, sometimes we need to cry even if we aren't in the mood. Try rubbing a tiny bit of VapoRub under your eyes to make tears flow!
Source: buzzfond.com